What’s That? “Non-Toxic Pest Control”?

May 24, 2024 | Prevention

What Can (or Can’t) be Said about “Non-Toxic Pest Control”

It should be known that in California, all pest control is toxic. … At least when it comes to advertising claims.

If you hear a pest control company in California claiming a “non-toxic pesticide,” that’s no no.

Current California pest control company regulations state that it is not permitted to use the term “non-toxic” as it relates to anything in the pest control industry.

Review Structural Pest Control Board regulations for further clarification. The pest control board, in its’ good judgement and attempt to protect pest control consumers decided it was too easy to falsely promote one form of pest control over another or to inaccurately or falsely attribute qualities to a pesticide or treatment.

So what’s a pest control company to do if it feels it has a better product or service? How can it describe a better service that the public wants? Because the public is aggressively seeking “non-toxic,” “reduced-risk” and “minimum-risk” pest control options for the home, garden and business environment.

Can the Consumer Locate “Non-Toxic” or “reduced-Risk” Pest Control in California?

We know that consumers will search available internet based information in “non-toxic,” “miniumum-risk” pest control. We want to tell you want we can and leave you to think through those things we cannot legally share. After all, these are your decisions for your welfare.

First, don’t fool yourself. There is always some level of risk associated with pesticides and pest control companies. Of course there is often a greater risk in Do-It-Yourself treatments or for those who ignore pest problems until they become unbearable.

Be a good consumer. Research and draw conclusions. Don’t just believe any pest control company that their solutions involve only “non-toxic” practices, services or products. Pesticides kill – perhaps even some “non-toxic pesticides.” You may find pest control companies in California that purport to be “non-toxic” this or “minimum-risk” that – but it is against California regulation to make such a claim – so you won´t find that message here.

We share this important subject with you precisely because it is a delicate issue that needs to be addressed. We get many people asking for “non-toxic” pest control, precisely because we are known as THE green pest control company in Southern California. Regulation requires that we not answer this question dispite the dilemma it causes you.

Here are some pointers that can guide you.

Hearts Pest Management Perspective on Minimizing Pest Control Risks

  • Seek a pest control company with good communicators. Non-communicators are often non-readers who can’t decipher pesticide label and MSDS information. They don’t typically understand risks nor do they comprehend environmental issues – such as the link between pesticide run off and water contamination. Hire thinking pest control professionals when you treat for pests on your property.
  • Safe employees make for a workplace that is less prone to being toxic. Let me explain. We offer a well rounded professional package of compensation and benefits so that our pest control technicians come to work healthy and motivated for quality work – whereas many companies create an environment that causes technicians to rush – causing a highly toxic environment prone to chemical spills and accidents… the very opposite of non-toxic pest control.
  • “The toxicity is in the dose.” Each product has a toxicity. Of course how it is formulated, prepared, diluted and placed will make a huge difference.
  • We practice integrated pest management (I.P.M), founded on the principle of using a variety of methods other than pesticides and using them first, such as full and complete inspection, monitoring for pests and “exclusion” to stop pests from entering, as well as habitat modification that will deter pests from your property.
  • We have had a green pest control program running active for over 5 years with thousands of satisfied customers. We had our “Green Thumb” pest control program before it was popular to go green.
  • Our competitors were fighting off the green pest control wave, fixated on heavy dose solutions to pest problems, when the problem was really a lack of desire to move away from a kill orientation to a people and environment orientation. Our “Green Thumb Pest Control” differentiates itself as one where you take charge of what we do. You are in control. We let you decide what is “safe or non-toxic.” We will provide guidance without taking away your right to decide what is best for your family, your health concerns, your employees, tenants or residents.
  • With so much false and inaccurate information out there about “non-toxic pest control,” seriously consider the value of a green certification.

Green certification demonstrates an above and beyond approach to pest control. All companies will say they are licensed and trained. That does not significantly distinguish them. Also, training is very subjective.

Hearts Pest Management decided, before there was even a green pest control certification in the pest control industry to approach California environmentalist watchdogs to certify our company´s green pest control program. EcoWise Certified was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area Governments and now administered in conjunction with The Bio-Integral Resource Center, to help improve water quality by establishing an integrated pest management certification program to fill that need of the community.

Truly, pest control and non-toxic are words that don’t fit together very well. What we can tell you is simply that Hearts Pest Management is a responsible pest control industry leader.

Help us change the pest control industry as we change people´s lives for the better. You tell us what you think is “non-toxic pest control” and we will listen.

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